


  • 目的

    • The purpose of this policy is to prohibit conflicts of interest in situations involving student financial aid and to establish standards of conduct for employees with responsibility for student financial aid.

  • 适用性
    • This Policy applies to all employees who work in the Office of Student 金融援助 and all other University employees who have responsibilities related to education 贷款s or other forms of student financial aid.
    • Agents of the University with responsibility for education 贷款s or other student financial aid are also expected to abide by terms of this Policy.

  • 定义
    • 利益冲突: A conflict of interest exists when an employee's financial interests or other opportunities for personal benefit may compromise, 或者合理的妥协, the independence of judgment with which the employee performs his/her responsibilities at Indiana State.
    • 礼物:任何小费, 较喜欢, 折扣, 娱乐, 热情好客, 贷款, 或其他物品的货币价值超过最低金额. 这个词包括服务的礼物, 运输, 住宿, 或者吃饭, 是否以实物提供, 通过购买门票, 预付款, 或在费用发生后报销. “礼品”一词不包括下列任何一项:
      • 标准材料, 活动, 或者是有关贷款违约规避问题的项目, 默认的预防, 或者金融知识, 比如宣传册, 一个车间, 或培训.
      • Training or informational material furnished to Indiana State as an integral part of a training session designed to improve the service of a lender, 担保人, 或向大学提供教育贷款的服务, 如果该等培训有助于大学员工的电子游戏试玩发展.
      • 有利的条件, 条件, and borrower 好处 on an education 贷款 provided to a student employed by the University or an employee who is the parent of a student if such terms, 条件, or 好处 are comparable to those provided to all students of the University and are not provided because of the student's or parent's employment with the University.
      • Entrance and exit counseling services provided to borrowers to meet the University's responsibilities for entrance and exit counseling under federal law, 只要国际学生联盟的员工控制咨询, 此类咨询并不推广任何特定贷款人的产品或服务.
      • 出借人对机构的慈善捐助, 服务机构, or 担保人 of education 贷款s that are unrelated to education 贷款s or any contribution from any lender, 担保人, 或服务,不是为了交换任何与教育贷款有关的好处.
      • 由州或代表州管理的州教育补助金、奖学金或财政援助基金.
    • Opportunity pool 贷款: A private education 贷款 made by a lender to a student attending the University or the family member of such a student that involves a 付款, 直接, 或间接地, 由点数大学教授, 保费, 额外的利益, or financial support to such lender for the purpose of such lender extending credit to the student or the family.
    • Revenue-sharing arrangement: An arrangement between the University and a lender under which (a) a lender provides or issues a 贷款 to students attending the University and a lender or to their families; and (b) the University recommends the lender or the 贷款 products of the lender and in exchange, 贷款人支付费用或提供其他材料, 好处, 包括收入或利润分成, 给大学或其雇员.

  • 关于教育贷款和学生经济援助的制度政策
    • 收入分享安排

      • 电子游戏试玩不会与任何贷款人签订任何收入分成协议.
    • 与借款人互动
      • 参加联邦家庭教育贷款计划(FFELP)时, 大学不会分配第一次借款人的联邦贷款, 通过奖品包装或其他方式, 给一个特定的贷款人. 电子游戏试玩不会拒绝认证, 或者延迟认证, 任何基于借款人选择或特定贷款人或担保机构的联邦贷款.
      • 在参加联邦直接贷款计划时, 电子游戏试玩将把首次借款人的联邦贷款分配给联邦政府作为贷款人.
      • Under no circumstances will the University assign a student's private student 贷款 给一个特定的贷款人, 拒绝或拖延私人贷款的证明, 根据借款人对贷款人或担保机构的选择.
    • 私人贷款
      • Indiana State will not request or accept from any lender any offer of funds to be used for private education 贷款s,包括机会池贷款的资金, to students in exchange for the University providing concession or promises regarding providing the lender with (i) a specified number of federal 贷款s; (ii) a specified federal 贷款 volume; or (iii) a preferred lender arrangement for federal 贷款s.
      • 根据联邦《pg电子游戏试玩》15 USCA第1631条及以下规定. 3
    • 联合品牌
      • 电子游戏试玩不允许私立教育机构使用该校的名字, 会徽, 吉祥物, logo, 或者换句话说, 图片, or symbols associated with the University to imply endorsement of private educational 贷款s by that lender.
      • 根据联邦《pg电子游戏试玩》15 USCA第1631条及以下规定. 3
      • 就本政策而言, “亲属”被定义为与员工有血缘关系的人, 婚姻, 采用, 国内合作伙伴, 或者其他可能损害客观性的人际关系.
    • 人员协助
      • The University will not request or accept from any lender any assistance with call center staffing or financial aid office staffing. 这部分没有内容, however prevents the University from accepting assistance from a lender related to (i) professional development training for its staff; (ii) providing educational counseling materials, 金融知识材料, 或向借款人提供债务管理材料, provided that such materials disclose to borrowers the identification of any lender that assisted in preparing or providing such materials; or (iii) staffing services on a short-term non-recurring basis to assist the University with financial aid-related functions during emergencies, 包括州政府或联邦政府宣布的自然灾害, 联邦政府宣布国家灾难, 以及其他由教育部长确定的局部灾害和紧急情况.

  • 行为准则
    • 利益冲突

      • No employee shall have a conflict of interest with respect to any education 贷款 or other student financial aid for which the employee has responsibility
      • No employee may process any transaction related to his/her own person financial aid eligibility or that of a relative.
    • 礼物
      • 员工不得接受教育贷款的贷款人、担保人或服务人员的任何礼物. A gift to a family member of an employee or to any other individual based on that individual's relationship with the employee or to any other individual based on that individual's relationship to the employee shall be considered a gift to the employee if the gift is given with the knowledge and acquiescence of the employee and the employees has reason to believe the gift was given because of the employees position at the University.
      • 电子游戏试玩协会颁发的令牌奖励(州, 区域, 或国家)表彰电子游戏试玩里程碑或对家长和学生的杰出服务, 或参加会议或其他电子游戏试玩发展机会的奖学金, 可以接受.
    • 禁止的合同协议
      • 任何雇员不得向任何出借人或任何出借人的关联公司收取任何费用, 付款, or other financial benefit (including the opportunity to purchase stock) as compensation for any type of consulting or other contract to provide services to a lender or on behalf of the lender relating to education 贷款s.
    • 顾问委员会薪酬
      • 没有在顾问委员会任职的员工, 委员会, 或由出借人成立的集团, 担保人, 或一组放款人或担保人可以从放款人那里得到任何有价值的东西, 担保人, 或一组贷款人或担保人作为服务的回报.
    • 发还开支
      • 参加电子游戏试玩协会会议的费用, 会议, 或者与顾问委员会的服务有关, 委员会, 或第V节描述的组.D. 此保单的费用必须由大学支付. 不接受音乐会或体育门票或果岭费等娱乐费用. 员工 are expected to personally pay for such expenses or request reimbursement from ISU in accordance with University policy.

      • 员工可能偶尔需要与贷款机构的员工共进晚餐, 担保机构, 印第安纳州, 或其他学院或大学的商业课程. 作为会议的一部分提供膳食, 会议, or other events 可以接受 if all participants in the meeting or event are offered meals or if the meals are included as a part of a registration fee.

  • 违反政策
    • 违反这一政策可能导致纪律处分,直至,并包括解雇.

  • 历史
    • 本政策于2009年4月制定,以遵守2008年HEOA法案.






8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:30 p.m.


8:30 a.m. -中午及下午一时.m. - 4:00 p.m.